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Manoscritto miniato

Illuminated manuscript

1^ Il Messale di Silos, dell’XI secolo venne prodotto in Spagna, vicino a centri musulmani di produzione della carta ad Al-Andaluz. I manoscritti testuali su carta diventarono sempre più comuni, mentre la pergamena, più costosa, veniva utilizzata soprattutto per i manoscritti miniati.
2^ a b c Putnam A.M., Geo. Haven. Books and Their Makers During The Middle Ages. Vol. 1. New York: Hillary House, 1962. Print.
3^ De Hamel, 45
4^ De Hamel, 65
5^ De Hamel, Christopher. Medieval Craftsmen: Scribes and Illuminations. Buffalo: University of Toronto.
6^ Anderson, Donald M. The Art of Written Forms: The Theory and Practice of Calligraphy. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1969. Print.
7^ Calkins, Robert G. “Stages of Execution: Procedures of Illumination as Revealed in an Unfinished Book of Hours.” International Center of Medieval Art 17.1.
8^ a b “Manuscript.” Online 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Web. 17 Apr. 2010.
9^ Iberian manuscripts (pigments)
10^ De Hamel, Christopher. The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination: History and Techniques. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2001. Print,52.
11^ a b Brehier, Louis. “Illuminated Manuscripts.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol.9. New York: Robert Appelton Company, 1910. 17 Apr. 2010 (Catholic Encyclopedia: Illuminated Manuscripts)
12^ De Hamel, Christopher. Medieval Craftsmen: Scribes and Illuminations. Buffalo: University of Toronto, 1992. Print,49.
13^ a b Brehier, Louis. “Illuminated Manuscripts.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol.9. New York: Robert Appelton Company, 1910. 17 Apr. 2010 (Catholic Encyclopedia: Illuminated Manuscripts), page 45.
14^ Blondheim, D.S. “An Old Portuguese Work on Manuscript Illumination.” The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series.
15^ Christopher de Hamel, The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination: History and Techniques, 1ª ed., University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division.
16^ Jones, Susan. “Manuscript Illumination in Northern Europe”. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Written by Vicky Ledia

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