

A vastly overrated genre that has it’s origins with crappy shoujo anime and manga. It’s basically a Japanese term for cuckolding, and only a jealous mangina would do that to another guy.
The direct opposite is called Netori where the protagonist steals the girl from another guy, however only a loser would have that happen to him anyways.
Like most shoujo manga it usually but not always involves rape, is poorly written, cliched, done mostly for shock value,and takes little talent and writing skill.
While it used to stick to mainly hentai and shoujo, there a attempts at making it main stream but it the non existent plot is painfully obvious to those who aren’t teenage girls or jealous old farts. Most artists and writers who use it tend in their works tend to be talentless hacks.
Only emotionally unstable teenage girls and obese former high school jocks like Netorare.

Netorare, Japanese slang term “netorare” (寝取られ, lit. “taken away by sleeping with”), often abbreviated with the letters NTR.
Japanese acronym for Netorare, used to define a genre of Eroge (Hentai Game), meaning “Cuckold”. In short, the main protagonist’s loved one(s) are taken or seduced away from him and the heroine might be willing or unwilling. This is to cause an emotion of deep jealousy on the reader.
That crazy Brazilian guy loves NTR games.


Written by Laura Rossi

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