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Gran’s army! Pensioner ready to wage war to save her nation

A grandmother is waging war to save her country.
This 68-year-old is fighting alongside soldiers 40 years her junior.
Pensioner Ekaterina Bilyk decided to sign up after watching the carnage caused by Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine.
The mum-of-three and grandmother to five is from the town of Zhidaev close to city of Lviv in western Ukraine.
She said: “I have lived here all my life and we survived the Nazi occupation and the Soviets, and I believe in standing up for what’s right and making sure we never see occupation again.”
“I wanted to set an example to show young people that no matter how old you are you can make a difference, and that was why I decided to sign up.”
Army spokesman Nataliya Ishenko confirmed that the old woman had taken part in the same military training as other recruits who were on average four decades younger than her.
Ekaterina passed all the tests and is said to be just as accurate with a gun as her fellow, and much younger, fighters.
Video footage shows her rolling over snow-covered fields and attempting to leap to her feet while firing her weapon.
Having her finished her training she says she is now ready to go to the front line.
Local news website Tengrinews said the other men in her squad have given her the nickname “the punisher” because of the way she talks about what she is going to do to the Russian-backed separatists.
She said: “We need to give them the message that Ukraine is a free country, and if they don’t like it, they can go back to Russia”.[sc:BR]
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Written by Fox Mulder

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