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Bufala: Apre la prima scuola del sesso: Un sogno diventato realtà!

Faceva così 1:
L’arte di fare l’amore: in Austria la insegnano a scuola.
“Quanto tempo della vita viene speso per sviluppare le proprie capacità mentali e fisiche, e quanto per sviluppare l’abilità che conta davvero… fare l’amore”.
Studiare il sesso prima di metterlo in pratica, questa la teoria dei docenti che insegnano a fare l’amore all’interno della Austrian International School of Sex, allestita in una villa settecentesca a mezz’ora da Vienna ed aperta dallo scorso gennaio.
La quota d’iscrizione ammonta a 1600 euro a semestre (immagino che in generale uno dovrebbe bastare, a meno che non si tratti proprio di casi disperati!) e comprende 200 ore di insegnamento, vitto, alloggio e contraccezione.
La direttrice Ylva-Maria Thompson afferma: ”Insegniamo l’arte di dare e di ricevere il piacere sessuale”, e informa che le classi saranno di 35 persone circa e affronteranno lezioni su diversi argomenti: massaggi sensuali, kamasutra, tecniche per dare piacere. Sono previste anche immancabili lezioni di feticismo. Dopo ogni corso gli allievi dovranno superare un esame (chissà di che genere…), e solo alla fine si potrà ottenere un diploma.

Faceva così 2:
La International Sex School, da il benvenuto a tutti i suoi allievi: con soli 1.400 euro gli iscritti, donne e uomini potranno esercitarsi e migliorare le loro pratiche sessuali.
I corsi della scuola, sono a pagamento ed hanno lo scopo di aiutare gli iscritti a diventare amanti migliori.
La preside Ylva-Maria Thompson racconta: “La nostra educazione non è teorica, è molto pratica: posizioni sessuali, tecniche delle carezze, anatomia. Tutto insegnato concretamente.
Gli allievi non necessitano di libri e quaderni per la teoria, per ripassare la lezione del giorno è sufficiente incontrarsi nel dormitorio della scuola!

Pensateci su…

Swedish Guerrilla marketers behind Austrian sex-school hoax
Media organizations were left red-faced by a concocted story about “Austrian International Sex School.”

MALMO, Sweden — A hoax story about an Austrian sex-school was designed by Swedish guerrilla marketers Total Studio, the agency admitted on Tuesday. The “news” was reported across the world, without basic journalistic due diligence.
The story reported on the existence of an Austrian International Sex School in Vienna, whose Swedish born headmistress Ylva-Maria Thompson gave ‘hands on’ lessons in sexual technique for £1,400 a term. It was widely reported in the UK, North American and Indian media before Austria’s national newspaper, Die Presse, discovered in December that it was a hoax.
Yesterday, Studio Total, a Swedish advertising agency admitted that they had cooked up the story as part of a campaign funded by the usually staid Federation of Austrian Industries.
“It was fascinating to see how newspapers from around the world wrote about a school that no one had seen,” Tomas Mazetti, one of the agency’s two founders, told DN, a Swedish newspaper. Around 300 million people had read the story, he estimated.
Perpetrators of the hoax took steps to make it appear convincing. The school had a website, and some media outlets, such as the ABC News blog, reported that they contacted the school and spoke to a woman proporting to be a spokesperson.
As well as providing publicity for his client, he argued that the campaign had helped reveal some of the failings of the modern media.
“I think it’s good if people question what’s in the media. Journalists have a pretty tough job today. There is not much time to look through things, so it’s probably a timely discussion to have.”
Martin Amor, the managing director of Young Industry, who commissioned the campaign, told GlobalPost that he had wanted to start a discussion on serious topics such as education, demography and the Austrian pension system, but that the hoax had been discovered a month early, reducing the campaign’s impact.
Regarding how exactly the campaign would have achieved its objectives, Amor said: “”The idea… was to tell people that we have a problem there with pensions, and it seems to be easier to solve the problem of the pensions if Austrians have more sex, and have more children, then there’s someone to pay the pensions. We didn’t mean that. It was a joke…. But it was blown before [its] time.”
“It wasn’t really expensive: If you have two or three inserts in Austrian newspapers, you would actually have to pay more for that,” he added.
Studio Total made its name for launching the Kulturpartiet, a fake political party, in 2005, ahead of Sweden’s national elections. It was contracted to design a series of hoax stories by the Austrian agency, Men on the Moon. Source: globalpost


Written by Laura Rossi

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