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Gina Iacob: Honest dissection of an average artist who likes puppies a lot

Exclusive interview!

Can you explain what it means to you to be (what you are = artist / designer etc.)?
It basically means everything to me. It’s a way of life, it’s who I am, it’s what I do. Being an artist is basically (besides, sometimes, kinda weird and difficult) pretty awesome cause no matter what you do, it’s kinda hard not to do it in a creative, different, artistic way. And I find that perk irreplaceable!

What is the relationship between you and the goal?
I don’t really have a goal. I just want to take whatever life throws at me, and on my way, enjoy the process. I don’t think there’s a peak I want to conquer with my art. I just strive to find, cherish and express myself through it.

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