Jeremy Kool – The Paper Fox.
Jeremy Kool è un graphic designer di Melbourne che sta letteralmente spopolando sul web. Nel suo ultimo lavoro, “The Paper Fox”, riproduce un mondo di origami e carte artigianali utilizzando software 3d, dando vita ad una favola tanto surreale quanto affascinante! Il prossimo passo di Jeremy sarà la realizzazione di uno storybook per iPad e Android, non ci restta che osservare le foto.
The Paper Fox by Jeremy Kool
The Paper Fox is the working title of a children’s book for android and ipad tablets that Jeremy Kool is currently working on. Jeremy successfully crowdfunded his project through Pozible. The story is created by himself and written by his sister Amanda who is a published fiction author. All of the artwork in the book is done by Jeremy and it’s absolutely beautiful. Characters and the landscapes are created 100% digitally but made to look like paper craft and real origami. We love the style and can’t wait to see the book come to live.
Jeremy Kool’s Origami Animals
These awesome origami animals are made by Australian graphic designer Jeremy Kool. The surprising part is that there was not a single sheet of paper used to create them, they are computer generated. Jeremy’s realistic origami animals have even starred in an animated film! Source: designaside, 9bytz, strictlypaper