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Villa Duif

Long planning preceded the final decision, they really go. She was ahead first trip to Belgium and, increasingly, we alluded to the idea that we’re really crazy to go all that way just because of some decayed buildings. However, the desire to see all the sites were larger than we were making heavy head with the views of the surroundings. So after an overnight journey faced the first place – the villa, which is inhabited only pigeons.
Morning, cold, tiredness. The heated car we did not want to climb. But the villa from afar attracts and interests me, what hidden treasures. It’s the first place they so far from their own home visit. Although I know that in Belgium, most of the buildings, despite many years of loneliness preserved and look as if the owners had left five minutes ago, I can not help feeling that someone disturb u breakfast. Since 2007, although no one lives there, but it does not look deserted villa, no broken windows or ruined facade and adjacent garden is a bit overgrown.

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Inside my fears quickly leaves. It was not until the interior is to recognize that there will not encounter anyone. Numerous Albanian family that lived there about thirty years, we have not yet. We go through each room and fascinate us the most beautiful wallpaper and window on the staircase with Art Nouveau decor. Attic has become a refuge for birds from the family of pigeons. Since they are creatures living in flocks and nesting in colonies, they were in the attic a lot. And each of pigeons signed an indelible mark on the ground under the beams.
We went through the whole villa, from the cellar, through the various rooms and lobby, to the aforementioned pigeon loft. It’s a beautiful place, but its owner probably just found. The biggest hurdle is likely that a long time is already on sale, but unreasonably high price.


Written by Luca

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